
Located along I-70, just 30 minutes west of Vail and only a few minutes from the Eagle County Regional Airport, Eagle offers a unique opportunity for visitors to shop, dine and recreate in the heart of the magnificent Colorado Rocky Mountains. Additionally, Eagle provides tremendous residential and business development opportunities.

Eagle has a strong base population and a community vision that responsibly plans for the further expansion of all residential product types. This existing and locally growing population, combined with an extensive trade area, provides the opportunity to locate a new business or employment center in the greater Eagle downtown area. Eagle’s stable, enthusiastic, pro-business political leadership, coupled with a strong local business community, make Eagle an ideal environment to locate a new residential project or business.

To enjoy unique shopping, dining, hiking, mountain biking, camping or kayaking, visit EagleOutside.com. And to consider the tremendous business development opportunities Eagle has to offer, contact Bill Shrum, Assistant Town Manager.

Helpful Links:

Eagle Community Profile

Eagle Success Stories

August & Kris Wittenberg
Say No More! Promotions


A significant portion of the people and businesses in the Vail Valley would prefer to support local businesses, so there is a loyal client base already built in—you just have to do your work well. (More…)

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