Workforce Trends in the Rural Resort Region
Elizabeth Garner, State Demographer, gave a presentation on workforce trends in the Rural Resort region (including the counties of Eagle, Lake, Garfield, Pitkin and Summit) at the quarterly Workforce Development Board meeting on Wednesday, July 25th at Colorado Mountain College in Leadville. Trends in the region which will impact the workforce include an aging population, one that is more ethnically diverse, and the need for strategies to continue to attract and retain the best worker for the right job. Elizabeth’s presentation can be viewed on the NWCCOG EDD website HERE.
The counties in the NWCCOG EDD region are in 2 different workforce regions: Rural Resort and Northwest. Therefore, we will provide information in both regions.
Rural Resort Workforce Region: Eagle, Pitkin, Summit, Lake, Garfield
Northwest Workforce Region: Grand, Jackson, Routt, Moffat, Rio Blanco
The most recent data available is presented (Jobs & Wages: Q4 2017; Labor Force & UE Rate: June 2018).
Annual Avg Wage
Labor Force
Unemployment Rate
Eagle |
31,775 |
$47,736 |
35,112 |
2.6% |
Garfield |
25,767 |
$50,284 |
32,598 |
2.8% |
Lake |
7,390 |
$36,296 |
4,838 |
2.5% |
Pitkin |
15,658 |
$55,432 |
11,331 |
3.2% |
Summit |
21,454 |
$41,340 |
21,192 |
2.4% |
Grand |
7,390 |
$36,296 |
10,251 |
2.4% |
Jackson |
580 |
$38,428 |
1,115 |
2.0% |
Moffat |
4,764 |
$49,608 |
7,683 |
2.8% |
Rio Blanco |
2,811 |
$51,168 |
3,039 |
3.7% |
Routt |
15,009 |
$43,992 |
18,844 |
2.5% |
Colorado |
2.6M |
$58,916 |
3.0 M |
2.8% |
Source: LMI Gateway, Colorado Department of Labor & Employment
Opportunity Zones & Enterprise Zones: Two Economic Development Tools
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has nominated and the US Treasury has designated 126 Opportunity Zones across the state that will be eligible for new federal tax incentives established in the recently enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Nominated zones are the result of a thorough, transparent, data-driven process that included an analytical evaluation of need and opportunity, balanced with extensive local community discussions, to identify economically distressed areas of Colorado that are well positioned for investment and offer meaningful potential to invigorate local economies.
Established by Congress, Opportunity Zones are a new economic development strategy to encourage long-term investments in low income areas, as determined by US Census data. States were able to nominate 25% of eligible census tracts. Opportunity Zones provide a tax incentive for investors to reinvest their unrealized capital gains and to put that money to work in low-income urban and rural communities. There is one designated Opportunity Zone in our region in Eagle County: Census Tract 000503 near the Town of Avon ( view tract here).
The areas nominated provide a diverse portfolio for investors including a mix of urban, small town, suburban and rural areas and investment opportunities ranging from business starts to real estate development to key infrastructure to support existing and new businesses. Colorado is exploring state initiatives to support and complement the federal Opportunity Zone effort. For more information about Colorado’s Opportunity Zone program visit
Enterprise Zones
The Enterprise Zone program was established by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) to provide tax credits to businesses that locate to and/or expand in designated economically distressed parts of the state. There are two counties in our region that are either fully or in part in the Northwest Enterprise Zone: Grand and Jackson Counties. The Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado (AGNC)
serves as the administrator for the Northwest Enterprise Zone, which includes Clear Creek, Garfield, Gilpin, Grand, Jackson, Moffat, Rio Blanco, and Routt Counties. For more information on the Enterprise Zone program including how to apply for those credits and to check if your business is located within one of the designated areas, please visit the Colorado State website: or contact the AGNC Program Administrator, Tiffany Pehl, either by e-mail at or call (970) 665-1095.
Funding & Technical Assistance
Advanced Industries Accelerator Grant Programs
The Advanced Industries Accelerator Programs were created in 2013 to promote growth and sustainability in Colorado’s advanced industries by helping drive innovation, accelerating commercialization, encouraging public-private partnerships, increasing access to early stage capital and creating a strong ecosystem that increases the state’s global competitiveness.
Colorado’s advanced industries are: Aerospace, Advanced Manufacturing, Bioscience, Electronics, Energy and Natural Resources, Infrastructure Engineering, and Technology and Information. There are 3 types ( More information on all 3 here):
- Proof of Concept grants (deadline: 9/7/18) are open to Colorado research universities, federal labs located in Colorado, and other labs with valid technology transfer offices. These grants are for pre-commercialization research and commercialization preparation. Grants up to $150,000 will be awarded. More information and apply here.
- Early Stage Capital and Retention grants (deadline: 9/7/18) fund companies commercializing innovative technologies to create viable products that meet a market need and can be created or manufactured in Colorado and exported globally. Grants up to $250,000 will be awarded. More information and apply here.
- Export Accelerator Program (deadline: rolling) is a financial assistance program for aspiring and current Colorado exporters. The grant program supports eligible small and medium-sized business through funds to offset international business development and marketing costs. Grants up to $15,000 will be awarded. Applications can be submitted 4-6 weeks in advance of an International Trip.
Summit County Non-Profit Grants
Non-profit grants available for the Towns of Breckenridge, Dillon, Frisco, Silverthorne, and Summit County. Currently accepting grant applications for non-profits for towns in Summit County and the county. Common grant application is available HERE.
Deadline: August 9th.
Gray and Black Market Marijuana Enforcement Grant Program
Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA). The grants provide financial assistance through reimbursements to local law enforcement and district attorneys for actual expenses related to investigation and prosecution of unlicensed marijuana cultivation or distribution operations. The grant program has four funding priorities: rural areas, large-scale operations, organized crime operations, and operations that divert marijuana outside of Colorado. Applications are due Aug. 31. More information here.
EDA FY 2018 Economic Development Assistance Programs (EDAP) Funding Opportunity
Under this NOFO, EDA solicits applications for construction, non-construction, planning, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works program and Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) programs. Projects funded by these programs will leading to the creation and retention of jobs and increased private investment, advancing innovation, enhancing the manufacturing capacities of regions, providing workforce development opportunities and growing ecosystems that attract foreign direct investment. More information here.
CO4F has allocated over $5 million in loans and grants to help grocery stores open and healthy food retail operations expand or retain ownership. By providing financing to new and existing stores, CO4F has helped to create 143 jobs and retain 125 jobs. For more information, click here or contact Erin Lyng at 720.519.0535 or or visist
National Endowment for the (NEA) is supporting creative placemaking projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, and/or social outcomes through its Our Town grants program. This funding supports local efforts to enhance quality of life for existing residents through arts engagement, cultural planning, design, and/or artist/creative industry support, or to build and disseminate knowledge about how to leverage arts, culture, and design as mechanisms for strengthening communities. Our Town offers matching grants starting at $25,000 for Place-Based and Knowledge Building projects. Deadlines: submit SF-424 by 8/9/2018; submit materials to Applicant Portal 8/14-21/2018. More info here.
Funding for a single entity to provide technical assistance to HRSA’s Rural Communities Opioid Response Program grantees as they work to build capacity and implement programs that support the treatment and prevention of opioid use disorder. Application Deadline: Aug 10, 2018. More info here.
DOL is offering grants to nonprofit and public agencies through YouthBuild to provide construction skills training for at- risk youth, ages 16-24. This year, all applicants can include a Construction Plus component. Deadline: 9/18/2018. More info here.
The Walmart Foundation’s Community Grant Program is offering grants to nonprofit organizations and agencies that work in one of the following areas: hunger relief and healthy eating, health and human service, quality of life, education, community and economic development, diversity and inclusion, public safety, or environmental sustainability. Awards range from $250 to $5,000.Deadline: December 31, 2018. More info here.
The Home Depot Foundation provides funding for nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the United States that are using the power of volunteers to improve communities through its Community Impact Grants program. Priority is given to projects that benefit veterans and/or diverse and underserved communities. Projects should be volunteer-friendly, engage people at all skill levels, and be expected to have a strong and lasting impact. Awards of up to $5,000 will be given in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services. Deadline:December 31, 2018. More info here.
Grand & Jackson Enterprise Initiative
The Grand and Jackson Enterprise Initiative offers
FREE and confidential business management coaching to anyone wanting to start or expand a business in Grand and Jackson Counties. For more information, contact Patrick Brower, Enterprise Facilitator at 970-531-0632 or at More information here.
Yampa Valley SCORE Business Plan Competition 2018
Hosted by Colorado Mountain College; Sponsored by Startup Colorado
Bring your great idea to the marketplace! Submit your business play by October 1, 2018. Cash prizes for the top two plans: $6,000.00 1st place and $4,000.00 second place. Business plans and presentations are judged by Yampa Valley SCORE business counselors. More information here.
Offered by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Elected and appointed municipal, county and special district officials and housing authorities from across the state are invited to participate in this day-long housing workshop, which will provide valuable information and tools to those leading smaller jurisdictions. More information here.
Water & Land Use Planning Workshop
A growing population and expanding economy often are welcome signs of community vitality. However, rapid growth can strain increasingly limited natural resources, such as water, if that growth is not matched by thoughtful planning initiatives. Several Colorado communities have already taken steps to increase water and land use planning integration. To learn more about the principles of water conservation and land use planning, attend the Incorporating Water-Saving Actions Into Land Use Planning workshop in Denver, Aug. 23. Consider having multiple people from your municipality attend to maximize the effectiveness of the information shared during this event.
FREE educational event offered by the State Purchasing and Contracts Office
The State Purchasing and Contracts Office (SPCO) staff will be on hand, including Procurement Administrators, the Commercial Card Program Manager and the Supplier Diversity Liaison. The SPCO team will be providing guidance on how to use Colorado State Price Agreements and NASPO ValuePoint Participating Addenda as well as best practices for cooperative purchasing. This is a more advanced and in-depth training than what has been offered in the past, so even if you’ve attended before, you should join us again! For more information, contact Barbara Musick with the State Purchasing and Contract Office, 303.866.3640.
GOCO Free Grant Writing Workshops
Those closest to our region:
Aug. 9, 9-11 a.m., Rifle; Aug. 15, 9-11 a.m., Lakewood – more info here.
will cover grant application writing for GOCO’s Local Parks and Outdoor Recreation (LPOR) and mini LPOR grant programs. Workshops will also address additional funding opportunities through GOCO’s School Yard Initiative. RSVP is required through Evite. Click on a location name at grant-writing-workshop-schedule to RSVP for that workshop or the webinar.
Census 2020 Webinar
Monday, Sept. 10, Noon-1 p.m.
Presented by Elizabeth Garner, Colorado state demographer, and Lily Romero Griego, U.S. Census Bureau outreach specialist. Census 2020 is only 20 months away. Federal, state, and local agencies are working to ensure that geographies, housing units, and precincts have been updated so that everyone is counted. The Colorado State Demography Office and Regional Census Office will jointly deliver this webinar covering the basics of Census 2020 (why, when, how, and what), timing of census preparation programs, outreach efforts, and how and when can we expect the results. Time will be allotted for questions and answers
Historic Preservation
The City of Black Hawk is offering a workshop on historic buildings and the International Building Code on Sept. 18, with a repeat performance on Sept. 19. This workshop offers a roadmap to recent changes in building codes and how they could impact repair, alterations, and rehabilitation of historic structures. For more information, contact Sara Lang Forbes at or 303-582-2223.
Community Building Colorado-Style Conference
The event is sponsored by the Colorado Congress for New Urbanism; University of Colorado Boulder’s Community Engagement, Design, and Research Center; and Downtown Colorado Inc. The event will focus on sustainability, innovation, creative industries, housing, green infrastructure, and more. Registration is $30; learn more and register at community-building-colorado-style-conference.
Certified Public Manager Program – New Courses Are Available Every Other Month!
Once again in July the University of Colorado Denver will hold another course for the Certified Public Manager Program in Vail which will continue until January of 2019. Take one or more courses since each course stands on its own. The Colorado Certified Public Manager® program is a leadership and professional development program through the University of Colorado Denver School of Public Affairs.
July 2018 – Strategic Planning and Management (Vail)
September 2018 – Public Engagement and Communications (Glenwood Springs)
November 2018 – Managing Disasters (Vail)
January 2019 – Fostering Innovation (Glenwood Springs)
For additional information or to register, click here.
Demystifying Entrepreneurship – September 12th & 13th
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to entrepreneurship and is geared toward anyone launching their own business or improving their existing small business. For information on partial scholarships, contact Lyndsey Brozyna at Learn more here.
Startup to ScaleUp – September 12th & 14th
This course focuses on 2nd stage small businesses and organizations, specifically those looking or needing to shift out of their startup phase and into “what’s next”. Participants will leave with an understanding of how to build and grow their concepts. The program takes learned outcomes from the University of Colorado’s Demystifying Entrepreneurship course (recommended prerequisite) and shifts from developing a successful startup toward organizational growth and advancement. For information on partial scholarships, contact Lyndsey Brozyna at Learn more here.
Leadership Foundations – Starts September 12th!
Leadership Foundations is a set of universal leadership principles and leading practices organized around character development, skillful actions and relationship building. A significant premise is that leadership engages us in others people’s lives, and before inserting ourselves, all of us should know how to lead our own lives first. The course starts in September and continues until March, 2019 meeting once a month. There are special scholarship opportunities for members of the Eagle County Chamber of Commerce. Join us and learn how as business owners and government leaders you can apply these principles to align business strategies and engage customers! For more information, contact Karah Maloley, or click here.
Colorado Cities & Towns Week (Sept. 10-16)
Colorado Cities & Towns Week can be an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the shared services and partnerships you have to better serve residents. To further promote the successful cooperation of local governments and nonprofits to citizens, highlight the partnership in your municipal newsletter, social media, website, etc. You could even co-host an event! The Colorado Municipal League (CML) will issue tips on how you can celebrate Colorado Cities & Towns Week in each issue of the CML Newsletter. These tips also are compiled on the CML website ( for reference, along with other resources as they are developed. For more information or questions, contact CML Membership Services Manager Lisa White at, 303-831-6411, or 866-578-0936.
Economic Development Council of Colorado – Drive|Lead|Succeed Conference
October 24 – 26, 2018 at the Ridgeline Hotel in Estes Park, CO
EDCC’s Annual Drive | Lead | Succeed Conferences aim to provide the knowledge, tools, and connections that are vital to foster a growing Colorado economy.
Gather the industry’s top influencers and thought leaders together to share knowledge and answer questions that no one else can; Offer new and vital tools and solutions to pressing economic issues facing Colorado’s professional economic development community; Facilitate quality collaboration and opportunity to exchange fresh, new ideas among Colorado’s leading Economic Development professionals, business and non-profit leaders, government officials and more. This growing three-day conference, is the premier statewide event, that gathers over 200 statewide economic development stakeholders and explores the latest developments, trends, and the future of Colorado’s economic climate.