
Legal Immigration Reform is an Answer to the Worker Shortage

Legal Immigration Reform is an Answer to the Worker Shortage

The August jobs report was mixed. We added jobs more slowly than in recent months – especially with downward revisions for June and July – but the labor force grew strongly.

Details: The labor force grew by 736,000, causing the unemployment rate to rise to 3.8% in August.

Why it matters: The lack of workers remains a challenge. American employers of all sizes across the country continue to face chronic labor shortages that significantly limit businesses’ ability to grow.

Our take: Congress can help address this by strengthening the border and modernizing our antiquated immigration system to allow more legal immigrants to work in the U.S.

Dig deeper:

  • Our Immigration Data Center illustrates how the broken immigration system is contributing to American businesses’ workforce struggles.
  • Learn more about the Chamber’s LIBERTY Campaign, which is working to secure our borders and modernize our legal immigration system.