Colorado Department of Health & Environment Nonpoint Source Funding Opportunities
Funding for watershed implementation projects that address water quality impairments caused by nonpoint sources of selenium, sediment, pathogens and/or nutrients or protect waterbodies currently meeting water quality standards from degradation due to nonpoint sources of pollution. Deadline: Feb. 3, 2020.
More info here.
Colorado Creative Industries Career Advancement Grants
This grant award supports Colorado creative entrepreneurs and artists to help support career growth and enhance their commercial creative business. The goal of funding is to assist awardees in achieving tangible business benefits such as increased revenue, new audiences/consumers or improved management practices. This is a great opportunity to expand your creative business! Deadline is rolling, more info here.
Coca-Cola Foundation and Keep America Beautiful: Public Space Recycling Bin Grant Program
To support recycling in communities by providing bins to expand recycling opportunities in public spaces. This program will provide recycling bins at no cost to successful applicants. Additionally, successful applicants will receive a discount that may be used to purchase additional recycling bins and related accessories. Preference will be given to projects that will spur further expansion of recycling programs in public spaces and similar locations. Deadline: 12/30/19.
More info here.
Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation
Deadline: 1/15/2020.
More info here. Funding to support proven, promising, or developing projects that can demonstrate success in helping children thrive. The goal of the program is to improve the systems that serve children, with particular focus placed on projects that target underserved communities. Awards will be provided for projects in the following areas: early childhood education and development; Capital improvements at licensed child care centers, including improving playgrounds, materials, and fixtures; and purchases and renovations of buildings; Early childhood and preschool programs.
Kroger Foundation
Deadline: Rolling.
More info here. The purpose of this program is to make a difference in the communities where Kroger Co. operates by supporting the needs of communities and finding solutions to help end hunger. Funding will support nonprofit organizations focused on ending hunger, improving food security, and bringing balanced meals to families who need them most. The funding agency aims to help communities grow and prosper and make them better places to live and work. It focuses its efforts on the following key areas: Zero hunger/zero waste; Diversity and inclusion; Health and nutrition; Stronger communities.
BNSF Railway Grants
Deadline: Rolling.
More info here. Funding to support communities served by the BNSF Railway. Awards will support general operating expenses, as well as specific projects or services, with a strong preference for requests associated with education, youth, and civic services. Applicants and proposed projects that fall under one or more of the following categories will be considered for funding: civic; culture; education; health and human services; youth.
USDA Rural Development’s Value Added Producer Grant
Deadline: March 10, 2020. The Value Added Producer Grant program helps agricultural producers enter into value-added activities related to the processing and/or marketing of bio-based, value-added products. Generating new products, creating and expanding marketing opportunities, and increasing producer income are the goals of this program. Independent producers, agricultural producer groups, farmer- or rancher-cooperatives, and majority-controlled producer-based business ventures are eligible to apply for this program.
More info contact: P.J. Howe | Business Program Specialist USDA Rural Development,
NextFifty Initiative
Funding to support projects, ideas, technology, and innovations that improve the lives and capacities of those who are aging. The funding agency seeks to partner with service providers, visionaries, scientists, and community leaders to fuel ideas and drive innovations that will improve the experience of aging in Colorado and the nation. Deadline: 2/14/2020.
More info here.
Partners for Places
Deadline: 1/31/2020.
More info here. The purpose of this program is to enhance local capacity to equitable and sustainable communities by building partnerships between local government sustainability leaders and local, place-based foundations. Funding will support projects that involve the planning and implementation of urban sustainability as well as green stormwater infrastructure projects. Successful projects are ones that local government sustainability leaders and/or water managers, and local, place-based funder(s) jointly consider important to advancing sustainability goals in their communities.
National Institute of Corrections Technical Assistance Program
More info here. The purpose of this program is to provide technical assistance to address the needs, problems, and specific requirements of state and local correctional agencies. Request types include: Community and facility operations; Staff and leadership development and wellness; Intergovernmental partnerships; Intervention services and programs; Public safety system policy and program development.
Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA) Micro-Grant program
Deadline: Dec. 30. This application is quick, easy, and will hopefully get you some extra cash for those projects you have been trying to start (or finish). Applicants can be CO state & local governments, special districts, or public education institutions. The project(s) requested must aim to put information and services online for residents of Colorado, as SIPA is very fond of eGovernment solutions. Details here: Contact Beth Justice with questions,
Funding available to aid municipalities in efforts to combat substance abuse
HB 19-1287: this legislation provides funding for substance use treatment capacity building in rural areas of our state. Municipalities can be recipients of the funding. Decisions on funding will be jointly made by representatives of that region’s behavioral health provider, county representatives, and the state. Law enforcement can also apply for these funds. Contact Meghan Dollar, CML legislative and policy advocate, at with additional questions. Grant application guidelines found here.
SB 19-228: Provides funds for grant writing assistance for prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery of substance use disorders. The funds are intended to aid local communities in need of assistance in applying for grants to access state and federal money to address opioid and other substance use disorders in their communities. Priority will be given to rural communities. For grant assistance, visit
Funding for Roadway Safety Tools
USDOT. This program helps communities devise policies to reduce roadway fatalities. This funding opportunity makes available up to $3 million to develop, refine, and deploy safety tools that address specific roadway safety problems. The Department anticipates making awards of $250,000 to $500,000 to each successful applicant. Eligible applicants are state or local governments, metropolitan planning organizations and regional governments, other political subdivisions of a state or local government. The funding complements existing safety data improvement programs at the Federal Highway Administration, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration by focusing on improving data tools practitioners use to inform their policy and decision-making.
NOFA available here. Deadline: January 17, 2020.
USDA Technical Assistance & Training for Water and Wastewater Projects
This USDA grant program assists communities with water or wastewater systems through free technical assistance and/or training. Examples of project types: Identify and evaluate solutions to water problems relating to source, storage, treatment, or distribution; identify and evaluate solutions to waste problems relating to collection, treatment, or disposal: assist applicants in the preparation of water and/or waste loan and/or grant applications; and/or provide technical assistance and/or training to water/wastewater system personnel that will improve the management, operation and maintenance of water and waste disposal facilities.
Learn more and apply here. Deadline: 12/31/19.
2020 Forest Service Wood Innovations Grant Program
Deadline: 1/15/2020. The intent of the Wood Innovations Funding Opportunity is to stimulate, expand, and support wood products markets and wood energy markets. Counties, municipalities, universities, for-profit businesses, and non-profit organizations may apply. More information
here. Program announcement
Mobility for All Funding Opportunity
The U.S. Department of Transportation. The $3.5 million program seeks to improve mobility options and access to community services for older adults, individuals with disabilities, and people with low incomes. Funds will be awarded for innovative capital projects that seek to improve the coordination of non-emergency transportation services for the transportation disadvantaged. Deadline: January 6, 2020. More information
Are you a nonprofit organization interested in increasing community engagement, creating new partnerships, and celebrating great books? The 2020-2021 guidelines for National Endowment for the Arts Big Read grants are now available. Application deadline January 29, 2020. More info
Funds to Support Youth in Scientific Education
The purpose of this program is to support youth and scientific education, specifically in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); the environment; job training; and literacy. This program seeks to help meet the needs of American society in an imaginative, creative, youthful, forward-thinking, scientific, humanistic, and innovative manner. Projects should help communities achieve long-term benefits.
Brownfields, Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) Grants
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Deadline: December 3, 2019. Grants offered by the Brownfields Program may be used to address sites contaminated by hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants (including hazardous substances co-mingled with petroleum) and petroleum.
More info here.